Halve Waste
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The Halve Waste campaign was established in 2010 to deliver the target of halving the region’s waste to landfill by 2020. The Halve Waste campaign is active across the councils of Albury City, Wodonga, Federation Shire, Greater Hume and Towong Shire.
As part of the initiative, a three-bin system has been introduced, comprising of reuse, recycle and organic bins.
The campaign consists of regular advertising and promotion of waste reduction measures through websites, social media and print media.
The school, business and community programs also offer face-to-face hands-on sessions directly to these groups on how to recycle, what goes in each bin, how to use the FOGO system, landfill tours, support for waste-free events and waste audits for businesses.